Shiela Medina

Assistant Director for Policy & Engagement UK Center for Applied Energy Research

As Assistant Director for Policy & Engagement at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) Ms. Medina is responsible for policy analysis as it relates to the research program and regional outreach for the Center which assists local energy project developers and communities with program development. In addition she manages the CAER K-12 energy education efforts which includes the Gen-EV Racing effort.

Shiela was employed by East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC) for 20 years. Early in her career with EKPC she served as Senior Engineer in the Power Production Division where she was responsible for the performance of the pollution control equipment at each of the G&T’s four power plants. Subsequently, she was manager of the Corporate Strategy and Research & Development Process. These responsibilities also included the
implementation of new generation, transmission, distribution and end use technologies throughout the EKPC system. In her Corporate Strategy role, Shiela was responsible for the development, implementation, and tracking of the Corporate Strategic plan. Prior to working at EKPC, she worked for the State of KY in energy research. Her responsibilities included assisting in the development of synthetic fuel facilities for the State of Kentucky.