Rocky Moretti

Director of Policy and Research- TRIP

Rocky Moretti is the Director of Policy and Research for TRIP – a Washington, DC – based nonprofit organization that prepares reports on a variety of transportation issues, including traffic congestion, traffic safety, road and bridge conditions, transportationn planning and air quality.
A former newspaper reporter with the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Rocky started his transportation career in 1985 when he took a job with the then Highway Users Federation as a writer.
Mr. Moretti has been with TRIP since 1992, where he researches writes and edits numerous state and national reports and is often cited by local and national media in numerous transportation stories.
In 2007 Mr. Moretti served on the Blue Ribbon Panel of Transportation Experts, which was selected by the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission to inform their deliberations over the future of the nation’s surface transportation policy. The Commission was appointed by Congress in 2005 to review the nation’s surface transportation needs and funding options and propose new long-term
surface transportation policy for the U.S.
Mr. Moretti also served from 1998 to 2002 as the executive director of the Alliance for Clean Air and Transportation, a coalition of transportation and environmental groups formed by the US EPA and US DOT to help promote actions that could result in cleaner air and reduced traffic congestion.
In 2005, Mr. Moretti served as chairman of Road Gang, which is an informal group of business, government and association professionals from the highway transportation industry in the Washington, DC area.