Mr. Robert W. Koehler, P.E. joined the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) in October of 1985 and was named OKI Deputy Executive Director in January of 2006. He is primarily responsible for transportation planning activities and program budgeting. Prior to starting with OKI, Mr. Koehler served as design engineer for the L.B. Foster Company and Kaiser Engineers.
During his tenure with OKI, Mr. Koehler has served as the project manager for multiple transportation studies including the Campbell County Transportation Study, the Northwest Butler Transportation Study, the Uptown Transportation Study and the I-471 Corridor Study. Mr. Koehler is the principle author of the agency’s Unified Planning Work Program, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Prioritization Process.
Mr. Koehler, has served as the chair of the Ohio Association of Regional Councils (OARC) Transportation Subcommittee and is currently serving as chair of the Kentucky MPO Council. He is also a board member of Butler County Transportation Improvement District.
Mr. Koehler is a registered professional engineer with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky. He and his wife reside in Batavia Township, Clermont County.