When I was a child, we used to be issued handwritten report cards.
I am sure there are plenty of you that remember exactly what I am talking about. Your parents would receive a handwritten report card in the mail, signed by your teacher. Once the report card arrived, your parents were required to sign the back of the report card envelope and you had to return it to school as proof that your parents saw your report card.
I can still remember the anxiety, waiting for my report card to come in the mail.
Because you see, I knew.
I knew long before that letter grade was even written on that piece of goldenrod, yellow cardstock that my grades were not up to par. And I knew that my parents were not going to be happy.
However, I also knew that they would do whatever it took to help me to raise my grades for the next grading period. It would take work on both our parts and, in many cases, added resources and funds.
Recently, ACEC provided our state with a report card on Kentucky’s Infrastructure.
Our state received an overall grade of C-.
The breakdown for our transportation network grades were: Aviation C+, Bridges C-, Roads D+, Dams D+, Levees D+
Like me when I was a kid, these grades should come as no surprise to KBT, our members, and most of our law makers.
However, will we all put in the work, resources, and more importantly adequate funding mechanisms to raise our infrastructure grade before the next grading period – or will we wait until Kentucky receives an F?
KBT believes that we can do it, and we’re willing to put in the work. Will you join us?